Naturopathy expert Prof Ishihara Yumi highlighted the danger of LBTS in his best-seller "Sickness from the Cold". The average body temperature of Japanese has fallen by 0.50C in the last 50 years. Increasing the normal body temperature by 10C can improve their immunity by 5-6 times. His research also shows that cancer cells multiply rapidly at a body temperature of 350C.
Renowned world immunology expert Prof Toru Abo further elaborated the dangers of LBTS from the science of immunology. People suffering from depression and cancer usually have low body temperature, usually not more than 360C. For people who are terminally ill with cancer or depression, their body temperature seldom exceeds 350C, and it continues to decrease.
Increasing the body temperature will increase the number of lymphocytes and make them active. Hence, they will become more capable of combating the cancer cells. People with LBTS exhibit 'cold hands and cold feet' initially; then the problem changes to experiencing shoulder pain, headache, backache, constipation and eventually spread to the internal organs. He suggests 'bathing in tubs' daily as a simple method of increasing body temperature.
Colonoscopy pioneer Prof Hiromi Shinya further added: People with LBTS are more prone to suffering from bad gene mutations and hence cancer. A drop of 0.50C in body temperature results in a decrease of 35% in their body's immune functions. In his books "Living without disease - Practical (C)" and "The Enzyme Factor (E)", Prof Shinya called upon people to pay attention to this 'new health hazard'. Young girls are the most affected group of people for this sickness.
Renowned Chinese health expert and educator Dr Ma Yueling in her book "Temperature determines Birth, Aging, Sickness and Death" reiterated the danger of LBTS. Apart from echoing the views of the other experts, she also analysed how this sickness affects pregnancy and people suffering from coronary diseases. A fetus obtains its nutrients entirely from the expectant mother. Pregnant women who are suffering from LBTS are likely to have poor blood circulation. As a result, a baby given birth to by a mother with LBTS is likely to be less healthy than another by a normal mother. She advised women who are planning to have babies to start working on their body temperature before their pregnancies.
People with LBTS are also more prone to suffering from coronary diseases. Our arteries are clogged with deposits of cholesterol, a kind of fat. At lower temperature, arteries are hardened as fats solidify at a lower temperature. As the body temperature increases, arteries dilate and fats soften. Thus, the chances of suffering from coronary diseases such as stroke decrease.
Hiromi Shinya (2007). Living without Disease - Practical. Simplified Chinese Edition.
Ishihara Yumi (2007). Sickness from the Cold. Simplified Chinese Edition.
Ma Yueling (2008). Temperature determines Birth, Aging, Sickness and Death. Simplified Chinese Edition.
Toru Abo (2007). Immuned living without Disease. Traditional Chinese Edition.
You can read more about this 'low body temperature syndrome' and its cure from the book entitled "Ultrasonic Hydrotherapy: What, Why & How It Heals" written by Mr Tan Meng Kwang, Educator for hydrotherapy & wellness. This book is written in English.
How Do You Know If You Have LBTS?
To know if you are suffering from low body temperature syndrome, measure the body temperature with a clinical thermometer. You may follow the following procedure:
Take your first body temperature 3 hours after waking up
Take your second body temperature 3 hours after the first
Take your third body temperature another 3 hours later
Find the average daytime body temperature based on the above 3 readings
Continue to monitor your daytime body temperature for a week (for ladies, please avoid the menstruation period)
If your average daytime body temperature is consistently below 370C, you may be suffering from low body temperature syndrome.
What Are the Symptoms of LBTS?
People suffering from LBTS exhibit many different symptoms, some of which are listed below:
Cold hands & feet
Shoulder/neck pain
Back pain
Migraines & Headache
Irritable bowel syndrome
Easy weight gain
Heat and/or cold intolerance
Fluid retention
Irregular periods
Severe menstrual cramps
Low blood pressure
Frequent colds & sore throats
Frequent urinary infections
Slow would healing
Decrease sex drive
Excessively tired after eating
Bad breath
Itchiness of skin
Abnormal throat sensations
Sweating abnormalities
Increased skin infections / Acne
Decreased memory & concentration
and many others.
Under What Conditions Do People Suffer from LBTS?
It is observed that many people start to suffer from the symptoms of LBTS after a major stress such as childbirth, work stress, or emotional stress such as loss of a love one and marital problem. For many, these symptoms do not go away even after the stress factors have been removed. However, when the body temperature is raised to above 37 degree C and maintained there, these symptoms start to subside and will eventually disappear altogether one after another.
What Are the Consequences of Prolonged LBTS?
According to Prof Toru Abo, Japan's premier immunology expert who has published more than 220 research papers in refereed journals:
People with low body temperature are prone to illnesses. Start with cold hands & feet, then shoulder & neck pain, headache, back pain, constipation and finally spread to the organs.
People with low body temperature are normally people with poor blood circulation. Blood circulation is crucial for our healthy living. Blood carries oxygen and nutrients to the tissues and organs, and at the same time removes metabolic wastes from them. Good blood circulation means every tissue and organ in our body are receiving sufficient nutrients and oxygen, and wastes are removed from them timely. Conversely if blood circulation is poor, tissues and organs are constantly deprived of oxygen and nutrients, and at the same time, the wastes are also accumulated there. This is stressful for the tissues and organs! Prolong this stressful condition of the tissues and organs lead to the deterioration of organ functions, and eventually to organ failures or cancers!
It is commonly observed that people who are seriously ill have extremely low body temperature. Cancer patients' body temperature are seldom above 360C. In fact, terminal stage cancer patients' body temperature may go as low as 350C or lower. At 350C, cancer cells multiply rapidly because cancer cell multiplication is an anaerobic process and they thrive in such a low oxygen environment!
How Do We Overcome LBTS?
There are generally 3 ways to overcome LBTS.
- Food and oral supplements/medication. Certain categories of food such as ginger, garlic and onion tend to raise body temperature. Certain herbal supplements and medicines also found to be effective in raising body temperature.
- Exercise. Exercise is also an effective means of warming the body. Prof Ishihara Yumi, a naturopathy expert from Japan prescribed stretching exercises for this purpose.
- Hot tubs or hydrotherapy. Soaking oneself in a tub of hot/warm water is a simple yet effective way of warming the entire body. Prof Hiromi Shinya, world renowned colonoscopy pioneer recommends the hot tub as a simple and effective way to warm the body. Prof Toru Abo echoed his view on hydrotherapy. It is suitable for people of all ages.
What Does Mama Home MedicSPA Offer?
The combined heating effects of warm water, far infrared rays and ultrasound help to raise the internal body temperature by up to 20C or more. In just 15 minutes, patients will be able to experience the warmth radiating out from the body for up to several hours after the bath. Blood circulation is greatly promoted in the whole body. For any LBTS patient, the frequency of treatments matters, it determines the time taken for recovery.
Come down for a trial yourself. Just in one session lasting 15 minutes, you can feel its effects.