Ultrasonic Hydrotherapy

What is it? How does it work? What does it offer?

Low Body Temperature Syndrome

What is it? Who has it? What causes it? What are the symptoms? What are the dangers?

Why do cancer patients use ultrasonic hyrotherapy several times daily?

You can find out more here!

Selamat Datang

Assalamualaikum dan Salam Hormat.

Selamat datang ke laman sesawang kami. Matlamat kami adalah untuk memperkenalkan mesin SPA SG-2000 kepada penduduk Sabah & Sarawak yang masih tidak jelas tentang konsep hidroterapi ini dan juga memberikan satu alternatif kepada mereka yang ingin lari dari penggunaan ubat-ubatan dan bahan kimia.

Mesin SG-2000 ini telah digunakan secara meluas di seluruh dunia dan mula digunakan di hospital-hospital di beberapa negara di dunia dan diiktiraf sebagai alat perubatan.

Satu-satunya SPA terapi yang dikatakan mampu mengubati hampir semua penyakit di dunia ini.

Walaupun belum meluas di negara kita amnya, tetapi di Semenanjung Malaysia, mandian ini kian mendapat tempat dan telah terbukti keberkesanannya oleh berbilang golongan masyarakat dan para professional.

Kini SG-2000 ini adalah SPA mampu milik di setiap kediaman.
Mahupun anda hanya ingin bersantai, memanjakan diri dan meredakan tekanan, sila kunjungi kami untuk mencuba sendiri mandian yang menakjubkan ini.

SG - 2000 Ultrasonic Bubble Massage Bath

SG - 2000 Ultrasonic Bubble Massage Bath

Health Is By Choice, Not By Chance

A simple and relaxing way, using nature & technology for effective healthy living.

Call 085 - 660 617 now!

We are open daily every day from 10.00am - 10.00pm.

First Trial at RM30.00 for 15 - 20 minutes session.

"Many people died while the herbs that could have cured them grow wildly on their graves. With the right combination of water & herbs, almost any illnesses could be treated" - Sebastian Kneipp, Father of Hydrotherapy

Friday, December 25, 2009

Medic Spa at the comfort of home

Mama Home Medic Spa, as shown in its name is a home based spa. Though it is not a normal spa as offered at most of spa outlet, we are mainly offering our customer an alternative to a healthy lifestyle.

Medic Spa or hydrotherapy is proven can cure many diseases through the right combination of salts and medicated oil which were brought in from Germany.

Our objectives is so that customers can choose a better way of living by not depending on drugs or medications.

The Medic Spa is enjoy by soaking in bath tub of hot water (37 degree Celcius - 42 degree Celcius) for 15 minutes with the combination of salts & medicated oils.

At this moment, our home based medic spa can only accommodate 1 person at 1 time. Given time and resources, we will try to add more facilities in the future.

So please give it a try.

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